Thank you, volunteers, signers, and supporters

Thank you for your courageous efforts to collect signatures on this petition.

Consider for a moment what has been accomplished:

First, a network has developed around this election integrity effort that will continue to grow. We have the support of a vast number of Utahns whose concerns are not being represented by most of our elected officials. Our polling indicated this last year. Our volunteers who went door to door are confirming it this year. The size of this effort grew geometrically each week.

Second, Secure Vote Utah is not going away, and this issue is not going away. We have the gold standard for election integrity: photo ID, in-person voting on paper ballots, an observable count in neighborhood precincts, reasonable provisions for those who cannot come to the polls, and results on election night. We will continue to educate, organize, and speak out. We will provide specifics in the coming days.

Third, we just did not have enough signature-gathering time to put the Secure the Vote Act on the ballot for 2022. Nonetheless, our all-volunteer, grassroots effort accelerated to nearly a thousand in-person signatures a day, a pace that would have yielded a quarter million signatures in the normal time an initiative has to get on the ballot.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who gave of their time and energy to sign, and to gather signatures, with Secure Vote Utah. Each of you now knows something of the over-regulated, obstructive initiative process that currently exists in our state. Every signature is a statement to our elected officials that big changes in Utah election law are needed.

Election integrity is not just an important issue. It is the issue that determines our ultimate ability to deal with all of the important issues. This journey has just begun.

Please share this message with your family, friends, and colleagues. If you have not done so already, please join us (sign up so we can stay in touch).

— Natalie Clawson, Stephanie Grant, Lew Moore, Lowell Nelson, Jan Peirce


Utah BLEXIT Leader Jonathan Harvey Endorses Secure Vote Utah


LG’s Office Denies Request for More Time